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Join us for Levelling Up White Paper event


IED and The LEP Network online event: Monday 28th February 2022, 2.30-4.00pm

The most significant policy review of Boris Johnson’s government has been ushered in with publication of the Levelling Up the United Kingdom White Paper. The ambition of setting The 12 Missions to Level Up the UK, cutting across the work of seven other government departments is far-reaching – and could be seen as an agenda to impact on the lives of those missed by the economic policies of the past. However, it is important for increasingly devolved policy-makers and partners to distil the core ideas of the White Paper and press on with clearer objectives that currently provided.  

Is this a genuine cross-government initiative or a political land grab by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLHUC)? How will the Missions will be delivered, and how will systemic change be achieved in practice? Will this lead economic development to finally becoming a statutory function within local government which can make sure that the delivery of levelling up initiatives takes place against the backdrop of greater certainty with a focus on the long-term? Now we know Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) will continue to provide a key plank in the economic development landscape, what will their exact role be? Will universities have more opportunity to get involved in economic development, skills and innovation under a local devolution model? These are just a few questions. 

Join us and our partners, The LEP Network, for this free online event led by our Patron, The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, who will be discussing policies from a government perspective. Mairi Spowage, Director of the Fraser of Allander Institute, University of Strathclyde will be looking at the concepts and policies from Levelling Up as well as bringing a Scottish perspective. Mark Bretton, Chair of The LEP Network, will be exploring structures and implementation. We will also be revisiting the thinking in our paper, Levelling Up: pre-White Paper perspectives from economic development professionalsHear from the IED and organisations exploring the key issues at the heart of this policy sea change, followed by a Q&A discussion, and gain some practical insight to take back to your own organisation. This webinar is essential for anyone working in economic development and regeneration, public, private and third sector.

Keynote speech:

The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Patron, Institute of Economic Development

Addresses, Panel Discussion and Q&A:

Mairi Spowage, Director of the Fraser of Allander Institute, University of Strathclyde

Mark Bretton, Chair, The LEP Network

Others TBC

Co-Chairs: Bev Hurley, Chair, Institute of Economic Development and Nigel Wilcock, Executive Director, Institute of Economic Development

To register for this event, please follow this link here.