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IED and EDAS joint event - What’s the Big Deal?

01 Nov 2018 - CoSLA Conference Centre, Edinburgh

Recognising the demand for a session providing experiential learning and examples of good practice, IED and EDAS are co-producing a practical working group-based day on city and growth deals; combining senior level contributions, discussion, working groups and networking. The day concentrates on three areas:

1. Delivering the Vision

2. Planning for Successful Delivery

3. Implementing a Successful Deal

Click here to register your place today! 


Agenda* Subject to Change 

08:30 Breakfast

09:15  Welcome and Context

Event Co-Chairs – Richard Cairns, Board Member, IED and Robert Pollock, Chair, EDAS

09:20  Learning the Lessons from the First City Deals        

Professor Andy Pike, Sir Henry Daysh Chair of Regional Development Studies, Centre for Urban and Regional Development Studies (CURDS) 

Matthew Cross, Head of Inward Investment, Invest in Bristol & Bath 


Overview: Delivering Regional Inclusive Growth

09:45  Graeme Roy, Director, Fraser of Allander Institute (invited)

09:55  Oonagh Gil, Head of Enterprise and Cities, Scottish Government

Round Table Sessions: Playing to our Regional Strengths

10:05  Thought Leader & Co-Facilitator: Robin Presswood, Executive Director of City Development, Dundee City Council  

Co-Facilitator: Susan Love, Policy Manager, FSB Scotland 

10:15  Round Table Discussions 

           Each person to note 1 key issue before finishing. Collected by Session Co-Facilitators.

11:00  Coffee


Overview: Finance, Governance & Structures

11:20  Peter Reekie, Chief Executive, Scottish Futures Trust (invited) 

11:30 Stephen Phillips, Partner, Burness Paull (invited) 

Round Table Sessions: Building Capacity for Delivery

11:40  Thought Leader & Facilitator: Caitriona McAuley, Head of Economic Growth, North Ayrshire Council (invited) 

Co-Facilitator: Donna Chisholm, Area Manager, Moray, Highlands & Islands Enterprise 

11:50  Round Table Discussions

           Each person to note 1 key issue before finishing. Collected by Session Co-Facilitators.

12:35  Networking Lunch.

During lunch, put 1 key issue on the Thought Wall.  Collected by Co-Chairs.  

13:20  Early Lessons from National Evaluation of City Deal and Devolution Deal Investment Funds

           John Nolan, Managing Consultant, SQW

Q & A


Overview: City and Growth Deals within an Urban and Rural Context

13:40  Laurence Rockey, Head of Strategy and Insight, City of Edinburgh Council 

13:50  Andy Dean, Chief Executive, Community Action Northumberland and Assistant Director, Rural Services Network. 

Round Table Sessions: Key Drivers for Success

14:00  Thought Leader & Facilitator: Stuart Black, Director of Development and Infrastructure, Highland Council 

Co-Facilitator: David Baxter, Senior Housing Development Officer, City of Edinburgh Council 

14:10  Round Table Discussions (coffee available)

           Each person to note 1 key issue before finishing. Collected by Session Co-Facilitators.

15:00  Guest Panel Conversation

Richard Cairns and Robert Pollock lead a conversation with guest panel and audience, based on issues raised throughout the day.

Bev Hurley CBE, Chair, IED 

Peter McColl, Head of Policy for Scotland, Nesta 

Professor Andy Pike 

Nora Senior CBE, Chair, Scottish Government's Strategic Board for Enterprise and Skills (invited) 

15:40 Close (Informal networking)

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