07 Feb 2020 - Glasgow
The research conference on Regional Policy in Scotland After Brexit is intended to take a fresh, evidence-based look at regional and local development in Scotland and what kind of regional policy responses are required. This includes research evidence on places and interventions where European Structural Funds have been effective.
The Conference is organised by the Scottish Government in partnership with the Regional Studies Association (Scottish Branch), the European Policies Research Centre (University of Strathclyde) and the ESRC Centre on Constitutional Change (University of Edinburgh).
Brexit has significant implications for regional and local development in Scotland, including the loss of European Structural Funds (worth £780 million in 2014-20). The UK Government has stated its intention to create a successor funding instrument, the Shared Prosperity Fund (as well as other new UK economic development policies), but without details on objectives, funding or governance. The Scottish Government is currently consulting on how any replacement for European Structural Funds should operate in Scotland. In this context, there is an opportunity to reflect on the wider question of territorial development and the future direction of regional policy in Scotland.
The draft programme for the Conference is available here.
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