06 Nov 2019 - The MintWorks, Kendal
This CPD module is intended as a one-day course to allow delegates to explore the the key characteristics of rural economies and consider the most appropriate strategy they might follow in stimulating rural economic growth. The course considers the definition of rural economies, the position of different rural settings across the UK and several case study examples. The course is run in a participative manner and is aimed at creating a practical experience with applicability to all economic development practitioners both from the course learning, examples of good and poor practice and the interaction with other delegates.
Topics covered:
• How rural am I?– the rural_urban classification and how to use it
• Common characteristics of rural economies and tools for analysis
• Rural growth theories and their real life application
• Market failure and the role of social enterprise
• Key resources for rural growth
• The nirvana of sustainable rural places and the trade offs involved
This one day workshop will run from 9.30am to 4.30pm
This course requires a minimum of 10 delegates and will be cancelled if we do not reach this number. In this event you will receive a full refund.
To book on to this course, please visit our Eventbrite booking page here.
Please note, if you are not yet an IED member, why not consider joining to take advantage of the member rate for this and future CPD events? Get in touch with us at admin@ied.co.uk for further info.
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