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A masterclass on the dark art of business cases led by Cushman and Wakefield

11 Jul 2018 - Cushman and Wakefield offices, Leeds

The IED are pleased to announce another free to attend event for our members. 

To be held on the morning of 11 July in Leeds and led by Cushman and Wakefield, this masterclass will be in the dark art of business cases – how to make the case for public sector funding in infrastructure and property.

All public spending proposals should be developed in accordance with a properly developed and structured business case using the HM Treasury ‘five case model’ and Green Book guidance. Given the increasing focus on public sector value for money in times of continuing austerity, Cushman & Wakefield has been increasingly tasked with advising on the development and appraisal of business cases to inform investment decision making and is a retained business case advisor to a number of public and private sector clients nationally. 

This morning session will explore the following:

- Current funding opportunities for infrastructure, property and regeneration schemes
- How to develop a robust and competitive business case, common shortfalls and lessons learned
- Case studies of key success stories
- Emerging changes to appraisal methodologies towards land value uplift

Arrival is from 9.30am for a 10am start. The masterclass will finish at 12pm when you are then welcome to stay from 12pm-1pm for a light lunch for informal networking with colleagues.

This event will be free to attend. Places will be limited and provided on a first come, first serve basis. 

To register your interest, please click the link below.

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