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Update from Early Career Network, and launch of Mentorship Programme


The IED Early Career Network aims to provide a platform for early career professionals in economic development to connect and collaborate, and create resources for career advancement. Benefits of the ECN include access to resources, networking events, industry insights, personal branding, and potential business partnerships or career opportunities. The best thing about the network is that it is completely free to join if you are a member of the IED already. 

The network’s journey began in November 2023 when a group of graduates who had recently joined businesses with an IED membership, hence were involved in the economic development sector, came together with the aim to connect and share experiences as new professionals embarking in a singular and unconventional sector. 

Since then, some work has been focused on developing a structure for the network, that currently consists of a Board of seven volunteers from different economic development organisations in the public and private sectors, which is responsible for coordinating and organising the many activities and events that take place on a monthly basis for the broader group, the latter consisting of all ECN members. 

As reported in the IED’s April 2024 update, there are various communications channels within the Early Career Network, including a WhatsApp group chat, and a LinkedIn channel which accounts for almost 100 members, but with new people joining constantly. These are used to regularly communicate with members about events, but people also use them to share interesting news, information, and opportunities from the sector. 

In terms of events, the most popular one is the ‘Talks with Experts’ online sessions with economic development experts that take place every other month. Over the past year, personalities like Nigel Wilcock (Executive Director of the IED), Mike Denby (Director of Inward Investment and Place Marketing at Leicester Council) and Danny Edwards (Head of Economy at Southwark Council) have dedicated time to attend an interview-style session with the group, hosted by a different member of the network each time, where they shared their economic development journey and experience, and where members also had the chance to ask them questions. 

After a year of receiving feedback from members, and realising, from the ‘Talks with Experts’, that the pathway into the economic development sector is not necessarily a chosen one, and one you may stumble upon, the Early Career Network has launched its own Mentorship Programme.

In an effort to make the network relevant and provide members with what they need, the aim is to plug the gap by connecting experienced professionals with those starting out in their careers, and to match interested participants with an experienced mentor within the industry. The programme is currently being rolled out within the IED and applications for mentees have already begun to be collected (Mentee application form here).

Moreover, following the IED Annual Conference 2024 this month, where some members of the network had the opportunity to officially present the network to members and announce the launch of the scheme, mentor forms are also now available for IED members (Mentor application form here). Their role will be crucial to support and help others to develop and scale-up their careers. 

Lastly, this group is keen on helping, supporting and connecting those in their early stages of their economic development career. Whether that means you are recent graduate, or later in your professional career, you are always welcome! 

Micaela Benvenuto is a Consultant at Mickledore, and one of the volunteer members driving the IED Early Career Network.