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Certificate/Advanced Certificate in Economic Development: Maria Cotton, Head of Place Making, Oldham Council

Why did you sign up for the Certificate/Advanced Certificate, what were your original learning objectives?

“I had been studying for my MSc in Place Management, and had promised myself a break from studying once this was completed. The opportunity to attend the Certificate and the Advanced Certificate came up just as I handed in my dissertation, and looking through the content of each I felt would really complement the learning and research I had undertaken in the previous two years. With the routine of balancing study and work firmly established I opted to sign-up to complete both courses in tandem.”

What have been key benefits/impacts on both you and your organisation, or what do you expect them to be in the longer term?

“The variety of the individual modules on both courses really cut across the breath of our role in economic development. I found some subjects useful refreshers, with added context, and some subjects that were less familiar provided valuable learning for me. Some of the case studies and examples shared in the sessions were useful to me to research in more detail, and to make contact with some of the people delivering in particular areas. The knowledge and experiences shared by fellow attendees were helpful in giving some different perspectives to the challenges we tackle in economic development, and I am sure I will be reaching out to some of my fellow delegates in the coming months.”

What gap does the Certificate/Advanced Certificate fill from a CPD perspective?

“Towards the end of the course, I changed roles, moving to Oldham Council to take up a new role as Head of Place Making within the Economy Directorate. The learning from the course, has given me a solid understanding of a wide range of ED topics, that has definitely helped me in taking on a broader portfolio of responsibilities.”

How does it feel to have completed the programme, and would you recommend it to others?

“Great! I have once again promised myself a rest from formal studying, however the importance of finding time to learn, listen and share thoughts and knowledge with peers is one that I will continue to prioritise. I really would encourage people to attend the courses, the sessions were well paced, well timed, and really manageable within a busy work life.”

Further reading:

First cohort of Certificate in Economic Development complete IED-accredited CPD programme

Advanced Certificate in Economic Development cohort celebrate CPD ‘graduation’

Continuing Professional Development Programme 2024

Case study developed: March 2024