12 Feb 2019 - Bristol (venue tbc)
Regular training workshop, offered free of charge to individual IED members or to employees of Local Enterprise Partnerships, Local or Combined Authorities.
The aim of the sessions is to ‘demystify’ evaluation for practitioners, introducing key concepts such as counterfactuals, control groups and selection bias in plain English, and helping policy makers think about designing their interventions in such a way that they can be evaluated robustly. We think through the appropriate type of control group for different policy areas and end the day developing evaluation plans for participants’ current or upcoming projects. We also outline the way in which the WWCLEG can support local areas in developing and implementing evaluations.
For areas that would like several of their staff to participate this workshop can also be offered as a free of charge bespoke in-house session by arrangement.
More information here.
Remember, the IED requires ALL associate and full members to log at least 40 hours of CPD over a two year period. Half of all CPD logged – 20 hours – needs to consist of formal CPD activity - this workshop will count for 6 formal hours.
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