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Certificate in Economic Development: Ruth Lambert, Development Manager – Somerset & Wiltshire, Federation of Small Businesses

Why did you sign up for the Certificate, what were your original learning objectives?

“Through my role at FSB I often represent local members on economic boards. Despite having run a business myself and having an MBA I sometimes wished to have a more strategic understanding of policy around economic development and knowledge of how it is approached around the country. I joined the course to try to get that.”

What have been key benefits/impacts on both you and your organisation, or what do you expect them to be in the longer term?

“I did achieve my objectives, as above, by signing up for the Certificate. Some of the modules were directly relevant to my role and enabled me to take a broader view on the topic than my own geographical area. Others were on topics which were not directly related, but this was great to gain a deeper understanding of the economic policy landscape.”                                                                                                        

Was there a particular stand-out moment/highlight from the 12-month programme?

“The most interesting session for me was on the Business support module and how we can market and evaluate it. It was great to have the opportunity to use that to step back and assess what I offer local members to ensure I am providing best value to them.”                                                                                                                 

What gap does the Certificate fill from a CPD perspective?

“I hadn’t come across something like this before and it is great to have a programme to follow rather than picking up ad hoc courses here and there.”

How does it feel to have completed the Certificate, and would you recommend it to others?

“I would definitely recommend it for others. I really enjoyed studying for the Certificate and am sure I will go back to my notes over the coming year too as different topics come up.”

Further reading:

First cohort of Certificate in Economic Development complete IED-accredited CPD programme

Continuing Professional Development Programme 2024

Case study developed: March 2024

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