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Advanced Certificate in Economic Development: Daniel Harper, Head of Economic Development, Barnsley Council

Why did you sign up for the Advanced Certificate, what were your original learning objectives?

“I signed up to the course because it covered all the aspects of economic development that relate to my role and interest, and as the courses the IED has put on have always been relevant, of good quality, and delivered by industry experts. I wanted to build on my knowledge and continue my professional development.”

What have been key benefits/impacts on both you and your organisation, or what do you expect them to be in the longer term?

“The key benefits to myself are that I have refreshed my learning on many aspects of economic development, plugged gaps in my learning, and got up to speed with the latest industry thinking through the programme. For the organisation I work for the key benefit has been the impact of putting my learning into practise on the projects I am working on and the sharing of the learning to other members of the team.”

Was there a particular stand-out moment/highlight from the 12-month programme?

“Of particular benefit to me in doing the programme were both the Green Book business cases and Successful funding bids modules.”

What gap does the Advanced Certificate fill from a CPD perspective?

“It gives me a rounded overview of all aspects of economic development and plugged gaps in my learning, in particular the Clean growth and Inclusive growth and social value modules.”

How does it feel to have completed the Advanced Certificate, and would you recommend it to others?

“It feels great to have completed the programme, particularly as time pressures do not make doing these courses easy, but it is well worth the commitment. I have, and will, recommend the course to others.”

Further reading:

Advanced Certificate in Economic Development cohort celebrate CPD ‘graduation’

Continuing Professional Development Programme 2024

Case study developed: March 2024

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